The next series of bridge girders for the Town Madison Interchange on I-565 will be installed on several nights next week.
The westbound roadway will be closed for the safety of the public while the girders — massive steel beams to support the future bridge decks of the Exit 10 westbound on- and off-ramps — are hoisted into place by crane.
Weather permitting, all westbound traffic will be detoured between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. nightly, Sunday, June 2, through Thursday, June 6.
The detour for westbound traffic will be Madison Boulevard from Exit 13 to Wall Triana Highway to Exit 9.
Signal timings on Madison Boulevard have been modified to accommodate the detour, and Madison Police Department will be assisting with traffic control.

The above closure and detour dates may be subject to change but will remain limited to late night/early morning hours on weeknights, when traffic volume is lowest, to minimize travel impacts.
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