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Alabama’s Airport System is an economic driver for communities

Statewide Airport System Plan and Economic Impact Study Logo
Aug 19

With approximately 1.4 million visitors to Alabama arriving by air, Alabama’s airport system is an economic driver for communities.

The state’s airport system has six commercial airports and 72 general aviation airports. They provide critical aviation access to large portions of the state’s population. With aviation access, Alabama is open to markets throughout the United States and around the world.

Economic impact

Alabama airports support over $4.9 billion in annual economic activity. Of that $4.9 billion, nearly 50 percent is attributable to the state’s 72 general aviation airports. General aviation airports generate significant annual economic activity by supporting major events such as college football games, automobile races and local business travel.

State and local revenue contributions

These contributions come through various airport-related revenue generators:

  • sales tax on visitor spending;
  • income tax on employees supported by visitor spending;
  • sales tax on spending by airports and their business tenants;
  • income tax on employees of airports and business tenants;
  • sales tax on capital investment spending; and
  • income tax on employees supported by capital investment spending.

Through these revenue sources, it is estimated that airports and airport-supported activities contribute approximately $267.6 million in annual state and local tax revenues.

ALDOT boosts Alabama’s airports

ALDOT plays a tremendous role in stimulating local economies through grant programs for Alabama’s airports. These programs are administered by ALDOT’s Aeronautics Bureau.

ALDOT during the current fiscal year will award approximately $8 million in grants to local airports. During the upcoming 2025 fiscal year, those grant programs will increase to approximately $9 million. Most of these funds are combined with significant federal and local funding to boost Alabama’s airports. These grants help benefit local, public-use airports for planning and capital improvements to their airfield facilities. ALDOT’s Aeronautics Bureau staff members work closely with the cities, counties and local airport authorities that operate the State’s general aviation airports and commercial service airports to plan and fund capital improvements for their facilities.

For more information regarding the total annual economic impacts of Alabama’s airport system, visit ALDOT’s webpage at