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East Central Region: Paving the way for the future

ALDOT logo with East Central Region under it
Dec 26

The Alabama Department of Transportation’s (ALDOT) East Central Region is experiencing a period of significant infrastructure development. While several major projects are currently under construction, a number of critical initiatives are entering the preconstruction phase as well as setting the stage for future improvements.

Preconstruction Highlights

  • I-65 Lane Additions (Alabaster to Calera): This multi-phased project aims to alleviate chronic congestion, especially during peak travel times.
  • US-280 Resurfacing and Widening: This crucial corridor will see improvements from Lakeshore Drive to I-459, enhancing traffic flow and capacity.
  • I-20/I-59 Interchange Improvements: A diverging diamond interchange is planned at Exit 104 (McAshan Drive) to enhance safety as well as efficiency.
  • Birmingham Northern Beltline: Preliminary work continues on the section from US-31 to SR-79, with a focus on environmental studies and right-of-way acquisition.
  • Bridge Replacements: Projects are underway for several bridges, including SR-22 over the Tallapoosa River and SR-63 over Sugar Creek.
  • Welcome Center Renovation: The welcome center on I-20 near the Georgia state line will undergo renovations to improve visitor experience.
  • SR-150 Widening: This project includes a bridge replacement over Little Shades Creek and widening to five lanes, enhancing safety and traffic flow.
  • US-280 Resurfacing and Access Management: Resurfacing and intersection improvements are planned for sections of US-280 in Alexander City.

Construction in Progress

  • I-59 Improvements: Ongoing projects include concrete rehabilitation and overlay, widening, and pavement rehabilitation.
  • I-65 Widening: Lane additions are underway in Calera, enhancing capacity and improving travel times.
  • SR-119 Improvements: Additional lanes are being added to this critical corridor in Alabaster.
  • Roundabout Construction: A new roundabout is being constructed at the I-65 interchange at Smoke Rise on SR-160.
  • US-280 Resurfacing: Resurfacing projects are underway in various sections, including from Chelsea to Harpersville.
  • Bridge Replacements: Projects are underway for several bridges, including SR-50 over Wind Creek and SR-1 (US-431) over Cornhouse Creek.
  • Resurfacing and Access Management: Projects are underway to improve SR-21 north of Anniston and SR-15 (US-29) in Valley.

These projects demonstrate a strong commitment to improving infrastructure, enhancing safety and addressing the growing transportation needs of the East Central Region.