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ALDOT to repair SR-127 Elk River relief bridge

A roadway entering a bridge with a green sign reading "Elk River" in white lettering
The SR-127 Elk River bridge, which is just south of the relief bridge to be repaired by ALDOT maintenance forces next week in Limestone County.
Feb 21

ALDOT will repair the SR-127 Elk River relief bridge north of Elkmont in Limestone County next week.

Crews will remove and replace a section of concrete in the deck of the relief bridge just north of the Elk River bridge, near Leggtown Road.

ALDOT will close the northbound lane of SR-127 in the area of the bridge on Tuesday, Feb. 25, and it will remain closed around the clock. ALDOT anticipates reopening the bridge on the afternoon or evening of Wednesday, Feb. 26, once the new concrete has cured sufficiently.

Temporary traffic control

Portable traffic signals will control traffic overnight. The signals will alternate between allowing northbound traffic and southbound traffic to cross the bridge in the southbound lane. Please drive with caution, be prepared to stop, and obey signals or flaggers on site.