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Matthew Ericksen, Southwest Region Engineer

Feb 21

The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is highlighting its regional engineers during National Engineers Week, which is about celebrating today’s achievements and paving the way for a brighter and more diverse future in engineering.

For more than three decades, Matthew Ericksen has played a key role in shaping Alabama’s infrastructure as part of the Alabama Department of Transportation. A University of Alabama civil engineering graduate and licensed professional engineer, Ericksen has worked in ALDOT’s Southwest Region since 1992 and has led the region as Region Engineer for the past six years.

Ericksen began his career as a project inspector and advanced through multiple leadership roles, including project engineer, Mobile District Engineer, County Transportation Engineer, Materials & Tests Engineer, Construction Engineer, Assistant Region Engineer, and Mobile River Bridge Project Director.

“The challenges of solving unique infrastructure needs in the Mobile and Grove Hill areas, along with the relationships built throughout my career, have made my time with ALDOT truly rewarding,” Ericksen said.

He has contributed to several major projects, including:

  • Construction of I-165
  • Planning, construction, and maintenance of the SR-158 extension
  • The construction and maintenance of the Dog River Bridge replacement
  • Design and construction of Alabama’s first diverging diamond interchange at I-10 and SR-181
  • Development of the Mobile River Bridge project

Ericksen and his wife, Patty, have three adult daughters, Krista, Kayla, and Katie.