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Alabama 2023 Crash Facts report now available

The 2023 Alabama Crash Facts book cover
Mar 20

Did you know that 975 people died from crashes on Alabama roads in 2023?

This, as well as other Alabama crash facts, are in the 2023 edition of Alabama Crash Facts, recently released online at the Drive Safe Alabama website.

The Alabama Crash Facts report contains some of the data that the Alabama Department of Transportation and local transportation agencies use to identify specific engineering and operational opportunities for improving the safety of our transportation system.

Crash data is also informative for the public. Through crash data, the public can better understand the driver behaviors that most often lead to serious crashes.

The data also shows when and where most crashes happen, along with other important details. With these facts, motorists can make better decisions that will help them stay safe on the road.

The Crash Facts cover features an ALGOTraffic screenshot emphasizing the real-time traffic monitoring resources available to Alabama drivers. Additionally, the publication includes an ALDOTNews promotional feature to make readers aware of where to find the latest news from ALDOT.

The Crash Facts publication features data analysis conducted by the Center for Advanced Public Safety at the University of Alabama using crash data provided by the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. ALDOT designs this resource to help identify opportunities for improving safety across Alabama’s transportation system.