Seeing their friend strapped to a gurney in a re-enactment of an emergency room scene was a little shocking. But Lowndes County teens quickly got the point that unsafe driving could lead to serious injuries or death.
The Lowndes County Juvenile Courts and the Lowndes County Blackbelt Coalition organized an event that included the re-enactment by Children’s of Alabama. The recent Fatal Vision Day event held at The Calhoun School aimed to save lives by preventing vehicle crashes.

Drive Safe Alabama representatives from the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) joined state and local organizations to support the event. These groups shared the life-saving benefit of buckling up, the consequences drivers face from a DUI arrest and more.
Law enforcement officers, educators and community organizations worked together to provide interactive experiences to reach teens about the need to prepare to drive safely.
Breakout Sessions
The event included interactive sessions such as:
- Impaired Driving Field Sobriety Test Demonstrations: Law enforcement had students go through the actions that would be required if they are pulled over with the suspicion of impaired driving.
- Under-the-Influence Driving Simulations: Using special goggles that mimic intoxicated vision, students attempted to navigate a driving course lined with traffic cones, highlighting the difficulty of operating a vehicle while impaired.
- Driving Simulators: Driving on a computer simulator while attempting to text their friends or listen to a chatty friend, students experienced the dangers of distracted driving.
- Crash Scene Demonstrations: Law enforcement and first responders illustrated the aftermath of impaired-driving crashes to emphasize the tragic consequences of poor decisions on the road.

driving decisions on the road.
By supporting Fatal Vision Day, ALDOT continues to promote responsible driving habits and work toward reducing crashes on Alabama’s roadways.