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US-11 widening project from Daimler Benz Blvd. to Highway 5

The purpose of this project is to resurface and add lanes to the roadway to accommodate the ongoing industrial development in the area. The project will also improve traffic flow and enhance safety.

The project will take place on US-11 between from Daimler Benz Boulevard and the Highway 5 intersection (approximately seven miles). Significant growth in industry over the last 25 years has transformed the US-11 corridor from Daimler Benz Blvd. to Highway 5 into one of the most traveled roadways in the region.

Region/County West Central/Bibb, Tuscaloosa
Type of WorkWidening, additional lanes, resurfacing, traffic striping, multi-use path installation, grade, drain, ITS installation
Projected StartEarly 2022
Projected CompletionEarly 2026
Project NumberACSTPAA-0007(549)
Project Cost$52,097,448.00
Project StatusActive
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