Miles Creek bridge widening
Bridge widening over Miles Creek on I-85 South at Exit 42 (Wire Road).
Bridge widening over Miles Creek on I-85 South at Exit 42 (Wire Road).
Bridge widening over Halawakee Creek on I-85near the Chambers County line
Limiting left turn movements along US-231 in Troy from SR-87 to Industrial Park Boulevard.
Limiting some turning movements by installing concrete islands in the median and a U-Turn bulb east of Legends Parkway.
Bridge replacement over Five Runs Creek on SR-55 in Covington County.
Resurfacing on US-80 from SR-97 in Lowndesboro to the Pintlala Creek bridge
Installation of two roundabouts in Pike Road. One at SR-126 and US-80 and the other at US-80 and Marler Road.
Resurfacing from the I-85 Interchange to the intersection of North College Street in Auburn.
There will be no lane closures during Auburn University home football games.
Resurfacing and bridge guardrail on SR-27 from west of Ozark city limits to the Henry County line.
Replacement of the bridge over Blue Gurth swamp on SR-14 in Dallas County.