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I-65 in Morgan County is set to be resurfaced, starting this summer. ALDOT opened bids for the project today.

ALDOT opened bids today for a project to resurface 23.4 miles of I-65, including the entirety of the interstate through Morgan County.

Of three bidders, contractor Rogers Group submitted the apparent low bid of $16,120,000. ALDOT anticipated bids between $14.7 and $17.9 million.

Construction is pending bid review and award of the contract. ALDOT anticipates work…

Read More “Bids opened for I-65 resurfacing in Morgan County”

The SR-127 Elk River bridge, which is just south of the relief bridge to be repaired by ALDOT maintenance forces next week in Limestone County.

ALDOT will repair the SR-127 Elk River relief bridge north of Elkmont in Limestone County next week.

Crews will remove and replace a section of concrete in the deck of the relief bridge just north of the Elk River bridge, near Leggtown Road.

ALDOT will close the northbound lane of SR-127 in the area…

Read More “ALDOT to repair SR-127 Elk River relief bridge”

At the ALDOT Traffic Management Center in Huntsville, Fred Foulks keeps an eye on traffic and another eye on the incoming winter storm. The TMC will remain staffed throughout the storm.

ALDOT’s Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) provides information to motorists to help them make better travel decisions during severe weather events such as the approaching winter storm Cora.

Cora threatens to coat much of the state in snow and ice and produce widespread travel impacts when it arrives Friday, Jan. 9, and throughout the weekend. The…

Read More “If you travel during winter weather, travel intelligently — ALDOT has tools to help”

ALDOT proposes installing a signal and adding turn lanes on US-72 at Cambridge Lane.

Four weeks remain to participate in online public involvement for an upcoming intersection safety project on US-72 in Limestone County.

ALDOT proposes to improve US-72 at Cambridge Lane in Athens by installing a traffic signal and constructing turn lanes.

Review further project information and submit comments here. ALDOT will take comments through Friday, Jan. 10.

Read More “ALDOT proposes signal for US-72 at Cambridge Lane”

Uprights for the overhead sign structures that will support the message boards on I-565 westbound between County Line Road and Greenbrier Road.

Updated timeline: I-565 overhead message board schedule changes

Motorists will soon benefit from travel information displayed on overhead message boards on I-565 in Limestone and Madison counties.

A contractor will install the dynamic message signs (DMS) at three locations as part of the ongoing $5.2 million advanced corridor management project. The project, which began in…

Read More “Overhead message boards coming to I-565”

Workers prepare an area of the northbound I-65 bridge deck for repair.

The contractor on the I-65 Tennessee River Bridge rehabilitation project made significant progress during around-the-clock lane closures the last two weekends. Cekra completed concrete repairs to the northbound bridge deck far ahead of schedule.

More around-the-clock lane closures, originally planned for the remaining two weekends in October, won’t be necessary.

No more daytime lane closures…Read More “I-65 bridge weekend lane closures canceled; deck repairs completed early”

State and local officials gathered to cut a ribbon in celebration of the completion and opening of the new Ardmore Welcome Center.

The Ardmore Welcome Center once again opened its off-ramp to travelers today. The welcome center on I-65 near the Tennessee state line was closed for nearly two years to reconstruct the facilities and revamp the grounds.

The opening to the public followed a ribbon-cutting ceremony with state and local officials. Officials included state Tourism…

Read More “Ardmore Welcome Center on I-65 opens”

To rehabilitate the Tennessee River Bridges, the contractor, Cekra, first rigged scaffolding to access work areas.

Motorists should expect single-lane closures for rehabilitation work on the northbound I-65 Tennessee River Bridge each weekend in October, beginning this Friday.

The contractor will close the outside lane about 6 p.m. on Fridays and reopen it about 5 a.m. on Mondays.

Please expect delays on the northbound roadway during the weekends. Plan additional…

Read More “Weekend lane closures planned for I-65N at Tennessee River Bridge”