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At the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), connecting with the community is essential to planning and improving the state’s transportation network.

Here’s why public engagement is crucial: Collaboration: ALDOT engineers and public relations coordinators regularly attend public meetings to share updates, showcase road construction plans and address community concerns. Transparency: Through public meetings, presentations…Read More “ALDOT focuses on public engagement”

There is still time to give input on the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan for Alabama.

The Alabama Department of Transportation is updating the current plan with input from a project advisory committee of municipal representatives and bicycle and pedestrian groups. Members of the public have until Dec. 31, 2024, to provide input that will…

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The Alabama Department of Transportation is inviting the public to give input as it updates the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. This fall, the team leading the planning process will hold five public workshops across the state. The workshops will give people an opportunity to learn more about the plan and to share their perspective…

Read More “Public invited to give input on statewide bicycle and pedestrian plan”

Citizens were able to sign up to speak on the Birmingham Northern Beltline project and have their comments recorded for the public record.

It was standing room only at the Gardendale Civic Center on August 27 as the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) hosted a public forum and design hearing to gather community input on the next phase of the Birmingham Northern Beltline.

An estimated crowd over 600 residents, first responders, business leaders and area officials attended the…

Read More “Big crowd attends public forum on Birmingham Northern Beltline”

The Alabama Department of Transportation is seeking public comments on three upcoming bridge rehabilitation projects in the Southeast Region.   

These projects will involve hydro demolition of the bridge decks to extend their life and will require temporary detours.  

BR-0015(548)- Lee County

ALDOT is proposing a bridge rehabilitation project on US-29 over I-85 in…

Read More “ALDOT seeks input on upcoming bridge rehabilitation projects”

Vehicles cross the Coosa River on the aging truss bridge on SR-77 northbound.

The Alabama Department of Transportation will hold a public involvement meeting next week to gather input on the replacement of the northbound bridge on SR-77 over the Coosa River in Etowah County.

The meeting for project BR-A181(941) will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 20, at the Southside Community Center.

The “Little Bridge”…

Read More “Public involvement meeting set for SR-77 “Little Bridge” replacement”

Map of the proposed project area involving the Woolsey Finnell Bridge replacement on US-82 (McFarland Boulevard) in Tuscaloosa.

The Alabama Department of Transportation will host a come-and-go style public meeting at University Church of Christ to discuss a potential project that will involve the Woolsey Finnell Bridge replacement on US-82 (McFarland Boulevard) in Tuscaloosa.

The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. where the public can ask…

Read More “ALDOT to host public meeting for bridge project in Tuscaloosa”

Map of the proposed portion of I-65 to be widened in Shelby County.

Three projects are proposed for adding a travel lane to the northbound and southbound roadways of I- 65 between the cities of Calera to Alabaster. Existing I-65, in this corridor, is a 4-lane divided roadway, with three sets of bridges.

The construction of the additional lanes will be accomplished by widening towards the median….

Read More “ALDOT is conducting online public involvement for I-65 project in Shelby County”