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The SR-127 Elk River bridge, which is just south of the relief bridge to be repaired by ALDOT maintenance forces next week in Limestone County.

ALDOT will repair the SR-127 Elk River relief bridge north of Elkmont in Limestone County next week.

Crews will remove and replace a section of concrete in the deck of the relief bridge just north of the Elk River bridge, near Leggtown Road.

ALDOT will close the northbound lane of SR-127 in the area…

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Workers prepare an area of the northbound I-65 bridge deck for repair.

The contractor on the I-65 Tennessee River Bridge rehabilitation project made significant progress during around-the-clock lane closures the last two weekends. Cekra completed concrete repairs to the northbound bridge deck far ahead of schedule.

More around-the-clock lane closures, originally planned for the remaining two weekends in October, won’t be necessary.

No more daytime lane closures…Read More “I-65 bridge weekend lane closures canceled; deck repairs completed early”

The Alabama Department of Transportation is seeking public comments on three upcoming bridge rehabilitation projects in the Southeast Region.   

These projects will involve hydro demolition of the bridge decks to extend their life and will require temporary detours.  

BR-0015(548)- Lee County

ALDOT is proposing a bridge rehabilitation project on US-29 over I-85 in…

Read More “ALDOT seeks input on upcoming bridge rehabilitation projects”